Our Aims | Projects | 50th Anniversary |
Urban Environment – We promote and ensure good standards of architecture and town planning, including the preservation and enhancement of features of historic interest. We have made representations on numerous planning applications, starting with the Waitrose development in 1970 and most recently with the redevelopment of the Mortlake Brewery and Barnes Hospital. We also make representations on all updates of the Borough’s Local Plan, the Mayor’s London Plan and Conservation Area designations. Achievements have included saving two buildings from extinction, namely the WW2 air raid shelter at St Leonard’s Court and the petrol station at the end of Derby Road, both subsequently listed.
Natural Environment – We care for the conservation and improvement of parks, commons, green areas and trees, and we monitor any development or change of land use in such areas and any proposals for tree-felling.
Achievements have included advising on the landscaping of Milestone Green and funding of the replacement trees after the hurricane or 1987 on Palewell Common.
Traffic and Roads – Ever-increasing traffic through Mortlake and East Sheen and its associated air pollution continues to be a critical problem. The Society has made representations on road proposals, traffic management schemes and all transport matters, including public transport services.
Achievements have included collaboration with the Council and with TfL on the Red Routing of the South Circular Road and on Controlled Parking Zones.
Aircraft Noise – This is a major nuisance and liable to worsen. We insist that any expansion to Heathrow must be subject to conditions indicating no increase in noise and air pollution and no increase in traffic at ground level except for public transport. Achievements have included our representations on night flights and on the recent proposals for a third runway, which have not fallen on deaf ears.
Local Amenities – The Society cares for the protection, improvement and development of local amenities. These range from open spaces, like playing fields and children’s playgrounds, to footpaths and pavements, benches and litter bins.
Achievements have included our advice in the creation of the thriving Sheen Lane Centre and the Shene Sports Centre. We have also been responsible for the creation of the boules piste on Palewell Common (our millennium project) and the installation of the defibrillator at Waitrose, including the organization of training in its use.
Social – We organize social activities for our members, including walks, talks, visits to places of interest and occasional fund-raising activities. These provide opportunities for members to meet. In addition, we help the local charity FiSH organize its biennial open gardens visit which alternates between our area and Barnes. We held our 50th anniversary celebration in 2019, a sit-down lunch for 120 including the Mayor of Richmond, at All Saints Church.