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Recently published, July 2020:
Founded on Fever, Fostered by Friends, Barnes Hospital – a History, Sandra Hempel:
Sandra Hempel's bookWe’ve Been Here Before
The community is at serious risk from deadly epidemics. There are no effective treatments; the main strategy is to isolate suspected cases to try to contain the spread. This was the Richmond area in the late 1880s when the authorities proposed opening a fever hospital in Mortlake, to the horror of the local residents. The diseases in question were diphtheria and scarlet fever.
Now, in 2020, as the old Barnes Hospital site faces a new future, the Friends of Barnes Hospital have published a fascinating history of the institution. Based on extensive research in the archives and conversations with former patients and staff, the story traces the hospital’s controversial beginnings through the good times and the bad, until the present day.
To obtain a copy, at £10 per copy including postage, either download a request from from the FoBH, email or telephone 07928 650077
The following publications are available from the Barnes and Mortlake History Society:
Going to the Parish, Mortlake and the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Leslie Freeman
Albert Betts:Mortlake’s Artist, David Deaton
Highways and Byways of Barnes, Mary Grimwade and Charles Hailstone
John Dee of Mortlake, Nicolas Dakin
They Lived in Sheen Lane, Mike Smith
The Story of Cromwell House at Mortlake, Helen Deaton
Alleyways of Mortlake and East Sheen, Charles Hailstone
Hand in Hand, A brief history of Watney’s Brewery in Mortlake, Murray Hedgecock
Childhood Memories of Barnes Village, Mary Attwell (edited by Nicolas Dakin)
Barnes, a Meander in Time, Mary Grimwade
BMHS Papers
Working for Barnes Electricity in the 1930s, Fred Windsor
At Rest in Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen, Merle Harding
St Michael’s Mission to Westfields, Rhodri Walters
Crime and Punishment in Mortlake, Helen Deaton
Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen in World War Two, Compiled by Frank Porter
The History of Mortlake Schools, Helen Deaton
Mortlake British Schools, Bernard Sanders
Barnes Poor House, Margaret Butler
Local Life in the reign of Charles II, Margaret Butler
Murder and Mystery in Barnes and Mortlake, Charles Hailstone and Mary Grimwade
The Five-Shilling Cottages, Helen Deaton
Raymond Gill: A Centenary Tribute
Shopping in Barnes between the Wars, Mary Grimwade
The Wigan Hall, Fred Mattingley
Other Publications:
Barnes and Mortlake Past, ed. Maisie Brown, is available at the Sheen Bookshop, Upper Richmond Road, as are a selection of the Society’s books.
A Collection of Papers on Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen in World War II is available from Paul Rawkins, 30 Bracken Gardens, SW13 9HW